Our Curriculum, Planning and Assessments
What We Offer
At Trinity Hall we believe that young children learn and develop best through having the freedom to play and explore in an environment which is specifically set up for their age and stage of development. We have a large area for play and exploration, allowing for endless learning opportunities, and an additional facility for our 3 1/2 – 5 year olds.
We aim to provide an enriching environment in which your child can enjoy and achieve their full potential. Working with the Early Years Foundation Stage (E.Y.F.S) guidelines, topic planning and resourcing are supported by evaluation, assessment and observing and listening to the children, enabling us to appropriately promote and enhance each child’s learning and development.
The EYFS is made up of 7 areas of learning and development
The six areas are all equally important and interconnected to one another and are supported by four themes. Each theme has an overarching principle and each theme/principle has four commitments.
A Unique Child
Principle: Every child is a competent learner from birth who can be resilient, capable, confident and self assured
Positive Relationships
Principle: Children learn to be strong and independent from a base of loving and secure relationships with parents and/or a key person
Enabling Environments
Learning and Development
Special needs coordinator (SENCO)
Our nursery has a designated member of staff (SENCO) who has responsibility for all children with Special Educational Needs within the setting. and it is her responsibility to ensure that staff are made aware of all children’s additional needs and kept up to date with training, information, new legislation and all issues relating to Special Educational Needs within the nursery.
Developing a positive partnership with parents
We believe that a good working relationship with parents is paramount to the successful education and development of every child. We welcome parents’ input as they have an in -depth knowledge and understanding of their child which can be invaluable in helping us to effectively meet the needs of their child. We would like parents to know that they are always welcome in the nursery either to help out or to discuss any concerns they might have. Arrangements can be made for private discussions at a mutually convenient time.